
What is the difference between Internal and Lead Auditor?

A bit confused on whether you desire to become an Internal Auditor or a Lead Auditor for a management system?

First, let’s introduce you to the types of audits any management system could have.

Management system audits are systematic, independent, and documented assessments of any organizations management system, and there are 3 types of audits: – First Party, Second Party, and Third Party.

1st party audit is about checking the performance of its management system and carried out within the organization, for the organization, and by the organization.

2nd party audit is about checking performance of its vendors, suppliers, service providers or contractors, i.e., those which are already on board or those which the organization wants to get on board.

3rd party audit has a much broader aspect. This comes into consideration when an organization wants its management systems to be certified by an external accredited certifying body. A 3rd party audit is a completely independent, transparent and impartial assessment of the performance of its management system by an independent certified auditor.

The first 2 types of audits are usually carried out by auditors trained internally by the organization’s own trainers, or externally by training centers to assess the QMS performance of its own management system or its vendors (refer above). Basic auditing knowledge, and skills are adequate for these types of audits and can come up to a typical 2 days of training. These auditors are commonly termed as Internal Auditors. Internal auditors are employees of the organization, and are rarely branded as an independent consultant.

However, 3rd party audits require an incredible amount of skills and knowledge from the auditor when they are performing detailed and external assessments on any organization’s management systems. This auditor must be a certified auditor/lead auditor who has acquired these skills and knowledge by completing a full 5-day training course from training centers certified by CQI IRCA.

A CQI IRCA certified lead auditor is qualified and approved to perform all the 3 types of management system audits, can work as a freelancer, and is also recognized internationally.

Now that we’re done with this segment, let’s ask the second question: Where can you get the skills and knowledge required for either of these: an internal auditor and a certified auditor/lead auditor?

3FOLD Training is a CQI IRCA Approved Training Partner approved and meticulously constructed to provide both the Internal and Lead Auditor Course Online: –


Based on your organization’s requirements you can decide if you would like to pursue an Internal Auditor or Lead Auditor Course. But we suggest you take the Lead Auditor course as the benefits are much greater as explained above.

Additionally, after the completion of 20 audits which will be an additional income, you could also be eligible to register on the CQI IRCA website to become an IRCA certified Lead Auditor, which is recognized world over. In short, a heapload of benefits.

Take advantage of the online class, enroll today in our upcoming batches.

Have questions on this topic? Contact us today through contact us form, email, or WhatsApp.

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